紧急需要各位高手帮助,我想在Powerpoint2000里实现在同一张幻灯片里点击一张小图,图片变大,再点击回到原大小。在2003里很快可以实现,但是2000里怎么也搞不出来 ((
Public intA
Public intB
Public intC
Public intD
Public intE
Public intF
Public intG
Sub a1()
Call sca(1, 1)
End Sub
Sub a2()
Call sca(1, 2)
End Sub
Sub a3()
Call sca(1, 3)
End Sub
Sub a4()
Call sca(1, 4)
End Sub
Sub a5()
Call sca(1, 5)
End Sub
Sub sca(intSL As Integer, intSH As Integer)
If IsEmpty(intA) Then
intA = ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Top
intB = ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Left
intC = ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Height
intD = ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Width
intE = ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).ZOrderPosition
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Top = 20
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Left = 200
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Height = 600
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Width = 450
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).ZOrder msoBringToFront
intF = intSL
intG = intSH
If Not (intF = intSL And intG = intSH) Then
Exit Sub
End If
intF = Empty
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes.Count - intE
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intE).ZOrder fmtop
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Top = intA
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Left = intB
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Height = intC
ActivePresentation.Slides(intSL).Shapes(intSH).Width = intD
intA = Empty
End If
End Sub
非常非常感谢任何建议和赐教!!! |