放大效果这个附件来自于Excel Home论坛
Public nClick As Integer
Public sldH As Single
Public sldW As Single
Public iShp As Shape
Public oWidth() As Single
Public oHeight() As Single
Public oSize() As Single
Public oLeft() As Single
Public oTop() As Single
Public nShp As Integer
Public idx As Integer
Public Ratio As Integer
Public pAuthor As String
Public tFrameFound As Boolean
Public nSlide As Integer
Public tSlide As Integer
Sub LoadSlide(ByVal nsld As Integer)
With ActivePresentation.Slides(nsld)
nShp = .Shapes.Count
ReDim oWidth(nShp)
ReDim oHeight(nShp)
ReDim oTop(nShp)
ReDim oLeft(nShp)
ReDim oSize(nShp)
Dim n As Integer
n = 0
For Each iShp In .Shapes
If iShp.Name"tFrame" Then
n = n + 1
iShp.Name = "Temp" & n
End If
n = 0
For Each iShp In .Shapes
If iShp.Name"tFrame" Then
n = n + 1
iShp.Name = "TextBox" & n
If iShp.Type = 1 Or iShp.Type = 13 Then
iShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro
iShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "EnLarge"
iShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionNone
End If
ElseIf iShp.Name = "tFrame" Then
tFrameFound = True
iShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro
iShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "EndShow"
End If
End With
If Not tFrameFound Then
With ActivePresentation.Slides(nSlide).Shapes.AddShape(Type:=1, Left:=0, Top:=0, Width:=sldW, Height:=sldH)
.Name = "tFrame"
.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
.Fill.Transparency = 1#
.Line.Weight = 4.5
If tSlide > nSlide Then
.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro
.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "NextSlide"
.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro
.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "EndShow"
End If
.ZOrder msoSendBackward
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End If
End Sub
Sub NextSlide()
DeleteShapes nSlide
nSlide = nSlide + 1
DeleteShapes nSlide
LoadSlide nSlide
With SlideShowWindows(1)
.View.GotoSlide (.Presentation.Slides(nSlide).SlideIndex)
End With
End Sub
Sub EnLarge(ByVal oShp As Shape)
idx = Mid(oShp.Name, 8)
With ActivePresentation.Slides(nSlide)
If nClick = 0 Then
nClick = 1
oWidth(idx) = .Shapes("TextBox" & idx).Width
oHeight(idx) = .Shapes("TextBox" & idx).Height
oLeft(idx) = .Shapes("TextBox" & idx).Left
oTop(idx) = .Shapes("TextBox" & idx).Top
oShp.Width = Ratio * oWidth(idx)
oShp.Height = Ratio * oHeight(idx)
If oShp.Type = 1 Then
oSize(idx) = .Shapes("TextBox" & idx).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size
oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = Ratio * oSize(idx)
End If
If (sldW - oShp.Left) < oShp.Width Then
oShp.Left = sldW - oShp.Width - 2
oShp.Left = oLeft(idx)
End If
If (sldH - oShp.Top) < oShp.Height Then
oShp.Top = sldH - oShp.Height - 2
oShp.Top = oTop(idx)
End If
oShp.ZOrder msoBringToFront
oShp.ZOrder msoBringForward
For i = 1 To .Shapes.Count
If .Shapes(i).Name"TextBox" & idx Then .Shapes(i).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionNone
Next i
For i = 1 To .Shapes.Count
If InStr(.Shapes(i).Name, "TextBox") Then
If .Shapes(i).Type = 1 Or .Shapes(i).Type = 13 Then
.Shapes(i).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro
.Shapes(i).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "EnLarge"
End If
ElseIf .Shapes(i).Name = "tFrame" Then
If tSlide > nSlide Then
.Shapes(i).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro
.Shapes(i).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "NextSlide"
.Shapes(i).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionRunMacro
.Shapes(i).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Run = "EndShow"
End If
End If
Next i
oShp.Left = oLeft(idx)
oShp.Top = oTop(idx)
oShp.Width = oWidth(idx)
oShp.Height = oHeight(idx)
If oShp.Type = 1 Then oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = oSize(idx)
nClick = 0
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub Load()
Dim tFile As String
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
pTitle = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("Load").TextFrame.TextRange.Text
With Application.ActivePresentation
tFile = Mid(.FullName, 1, InStrRev(.FullName, ".")) & "txt"
.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Item("Title").Value = pTitle
tSlide = .Slides.Count
End With
With Application.ActivePresentation.PageSetup
sldW = .SlideWidth
sldH = .SlideHeight
End With
nClick = 0
Ratio = 3
pAuthor = "黄再源"
tFrameFound = False
nSlide = 2
If fs.FileExists(tFile) Then
Dim TextLine
Dim HeadLine
Dim f
f = FreeFile()
Open tFile For Input As #f
Do While Not EOF(f)
Line Input #f, TextLine
TextLine = Trim(TextLine)
If Len(TextLine) > 0 Then
If Left(TextLine, 1) = "[" Then
HeadLine = LCase(TextLine)
If HeadLine = "" Then
pAuthor = TextLine
ElseIf HeadLine = "" Then
If IsNumeric(TextLine) Then Ratio = TextLine
End If
End If
End If
Close #f
End If
With Application.ActivePresentation
.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Item("Author").Value = pAuthor
End With
LoadSlide nSlide
With SlideShowWindows(1)
.View.GotoSlide (.Presentation.Slides(nSlide).SlideIndex)
End With
End Sub
Sub DeleteShapes(ByVal nsld As Integer)
With ActivePresentation.Slides(nsld)
For Each iShp In .Shapes
If iShp.Name = "tFrame" Then iShp.Cut
End With
End Sub
Sub EndShow()
DeleteShapes nSlide
With SlideShowWindows(1)
.View.GotoSlide (.Presentation.Slides(1).SlideIndex)
End With
End Sub
Sub NameShape()
On Error GoTo AbortNameShape
Dim Name$
If ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 1 Then
Name$ = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name
Name$ = InputBox$("Give this shape a name", "Shape Name", Name$)
If Name$"" Then
ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Name = Name$
End If
MsgBox "Only 1 Shape is allowed to be selected"
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "No Shapes Selected"
End Sub
我想知道的是:能否借用这些代码将自动放大功能移植到其他演示文稿中?我对VBA的用法真的是一窍不通不通,希望能尽可能介绍得详细些。小弟地此先行谢过了? 高,确实是高。你的问题估计没几个能答 知道这里高手如云,才来请教的,我自己也正在寻找解决办法。 这个太难了……:( 狂晕~一窍不通啊~